Modular Gaming Platform

JeyPlatform is an adaptable and scalable iGaming platform that provides a comprehensive suite of player and wallet services, making it the perfect solution for fulfilling all your gaming requirements.

What Makes JeyPlatform Stand Out?

JeyPlatform provides operators with a comprehensive view of customer activities, transactions, balances, and a range of tools to help build a loyal customer base. The platform offers efficient player and wallet management, seamless integration with third-party CRM systems, compliance functionalities, and in-depth reporting, all of which make it a standout choice for operators in the iGaming industry.

WhiteLabel Solution

Efficient management of player accounts and transactions through PAM

Robust monitoring of wallets, transactions, and regulatory data

Tools for responsible gaming to ensure compliance in multiple jurisdictions

Streamlined wallet across all payment methods and gaming vendors

Customizable platform with enhanced flexibility for seamless integration with operators’ PAM/Wallet

Advanced tools for fraud detection and prevention

Role-based management to segment players and define bonus programs and reports

Comprehensive audit trail to track system and operations team actions

In-depth reporting for comprehensive overview of all player activities

Integration with 3rd party CRM solutions

API support for operators to create custom websites and apps

API support for seamless integration with 3rd party PAM/Wallet

Scalable infrastructure that can handle billions of requests monthly

Unlock the Potential of JeyPlatform


JeyPlatform offers operators a comprehensive view of their players’ activities, transactions, and balances, providing them with all the necessary tools to establish a strong and loyal customer base.

Platform Connectivity

By utilizing JeyPlatform, operators can not only access all other Jey Web products, but also seamlessly integrate with third-party cross-product platforms

Platform features

By merging player and wallet management, fraud detection and prevention tools, responsible gaming features, and detailed reporting, JeyPlatform delivers a top-notch and regulation-compliant platform.

Endorsed by Leading Industry Players

Our reputation is bolstered by partnerships with some of the most prominent names in the iGaming industry.

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Description for this block. Use this space for describing your block. Any text will do.

Let’s talk today!

In search of a platform solution that is both compliant and capable of scaling to meet your needs, while also providing the flexibility necessary to build a loyal customer base and manage your operations effectively?

Anything is possible.